The Author

My name is Megan, and I would like to begin by welcoming you to my blog, Panem Et: The Origins of the Hunger Games.
My design in creating this blog was to create a stable place for myself to channel my creativity through writing. I’ve always enjoyed reading well-written fan fiction, and occasionally have dabbled in writing some of my own, primarily through role playing on Harry Potter forums and the like. The Hunger Games is a series that greatly inspires me, as I’m sure it has many others.
The plot of the first novel is relatively simple. The government of the land once known as America has collapsed, and in its place has risen a new order: Panem, a country comprised of an all-powerful Capitol City, located somewhere in what was formerly known as the Rocky Mountains, and thirteen districts, each in charge of contributing a specific product for the use of the country. At some point in History, the districts joined arms and rebelled against the Capitol and were subsequently crushed into submission. In penance, the twelve districts that remained are required to draw names from their pool of 12-18 year olds, one male and one female, and these ‘tributes’, as they are called, are forced to participate in a televised fight to the death.
The premise of the novel and subsequent film franchise is hardly original. From William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies to the Japanese novel Battle Royale, and all the way back to the Minotaur’s sacrificial virgins in Greek Folklore, the thought of children or teenagers killing each other is an idea firmly embedded in the public psyche. There is something about the morbidity of the entire idea which both disgusts and inspires us, and Suzanne Collins executes it fantastically in her novel, The Hunger Games.
Through this blog, I will be attempting to fill holes in the Hunger Games universe, beginning with the first games and ending when the creativity and ideas run dry, because I don’t have a set ending at the moment. I could say ending before the first novel, but what would happen if I get that far and still have ideas for back story or other character explorations? So, when the ideas run dry, that’s when I’ll end.
So, if you’re reading this blog for the first time, please do sit back, keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the ride.

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