The Credits

Most photos and music embedded in posts will be credited on the page they are included, but for more complicated images and original artwork created for this site, I hope the links below will suffice.

The Banner
Panem Et: Origins
I made this banner in PSE 6.0 years ago, long before I knew or understood copyrights, stock imagery, and giving credit. I haven’t been able to find everything I used, but if you know where I got an element of the graphic, please let me know and I will credit it as well.
Boy’s Face: The Cover of Inventing Elliot by Graham Gardner
Mockingjay: Fanpop. Pretty sure this is the exact site I got it from.
Skyscraper: I couldn’t actually find this one, but after looking through several pictures on Google Images, based on the windows, the Cleveland Tower seems to be the most likely candidate.
Grunge Texture: This texture, turned grey.

The Background
Blue Dark Grunge Room Wallpaper: WallpaperUp

Prologue -- Part 1:The End
My handwriting on a crumpled piece of notebook paper. ~MB =)

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